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Webinar On-demand

Many actors across the voluntary carbon market are working hard to improve quality. Are we seeing it pay off? 

In this webinar, we dive into Calyx Global’s report: The State of Quality in the Voluntary Carbon Market. Get insider perspectives on the effectiveness of efforts to increase the GHG integrity of carbon credits and explore the current landscape of benefits beyond carbon. Join the report authors and special guest Margaret Morales as they share where they’re seeing progress and what has been driving the improvements.   


  • See whether efforts to improve carbon credit quality are paying off
  • Discover what actions have impacted market trends and how that may change over time
  • Find out how buyers are prioritizing GHG integrity and benefits beyond carbon
  • Learn how the market is responding to a need for increased safeguards

Speaker Panel

Donna Lee Headshot-2

Donna Lee

Co-Founder at Calyx Global

Donna has worked on climate change for nearly two decades. Along with being a co-founder of Calyx Global, she is currently on the ICVCM's Expert Panel and on the BVCM SBTi Expert Advisory Group. She was formerly at the State Department where, among other duties, she served as a climate change negotiator for the United States; thereafter, she served as an advisor to governments, philanthropies and companies seeking to take climate action. Her goals in life align with Calyx’s mission: to contribute to the well-being of people and to protect the planet. Donna has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Education from UCLA, and a Masters in International Policy from Stanford University.

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Margaret Morales

Director, Carbon at GreenBiz Group

Margaret Morales brings more than a decade of experience in climate policy, communications and project development. Prior to GreenBiz, she led the marketing and communications team at forest carbon project developer Terraformation. She also launched the research program on natural carbon capture in working lands for climate policy think tank Sightline Institute. She holds a bachelor's degree in environmental studies from Duke University and a master's degree from the University of British Columbia.

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Linda Rivera Macedo

Director of SDGs & Safeguards at Calyx Global

Linda is a political and legal advisor specialized in international law, environmental policy and human rights. She has more than 16 years of experience in different sectors ranging from government, law firms, NGOs and consulting firms. Before joining Calyx, Linda worked for the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations in Geneva. Linda holds a law degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a Master degree in Public International law from The University of Nottingham, UK and a Master in Environmental Science from the University of Geneva in Switzerland.