Meet us at NACW

March 25-27, 2024
NACW 2025 in Los Angeles will present the content, community, and connections for successfully navigating the low-carbon landscape and advancing market-based climate policies and mechanisms.
Calyx Global Co-founder, Donna Lee, will be in attendance and speaking. If you would like to meet, fill out the request form and a team member will get back to you shortly.
Request a meeting

Ensuring Integrity in the VCM: Three Perspectives
March 25, 2:45pm
San Gabriel C
Integrity is fundamental to the long-term success, growth, and impact of both the regulatory and voluntary carbon markets. The panelists, from their perspectives as a Verification Body, Carbon Offset Buyer, and a Ratings Agency, will discuss how they ensure integrity through their verification and due diligence processes, why it is important to them, and why it should be important to the larger carbon community.
Christie Pollet-Young, Vice President of Climate, SCS Global Services
Charlie Parker, Environmental Program Manager, Apple
Donna Lee, Co-Founder, Calyx Global